Investment research and data provider Morningstar has added The ListedReserve Managed Fund to its managed fund database.
The Morningstar fund database allows investors and financial advisors to access a wide variety of investment options based on data across investment type, operations, performance, and portfolio data points, all while scaling across regions, strategies, and markets.
Investors and financial advisers are able to compare The ListedReserve Managed Fund with over 8,700 other managed funds in Australia.
The Morningstar Fund Report for The ListedReserve Managed Fund is available here:
ListedReserve’s Chief Investment Officer, Daniel Pickering, said “This will allow Australian investors to easily find pricing and compare performance for our digital asset Managed Fund. This is a further step in providing a top-tier service to our clients, with efficient and robust pricing, institutional grade custody and now fast, high quality performance reporting.”
About ListedReserve
ListedReserve is an investment firm based in Sydney, Australia specialising in digital asset investments. We believe digital currency and distributed ledger technology will drive significant global economic, technological and social change.
We aim to provide investors with high quality investment funds to access digital assets through trusted, transparent and liquid investment vehicles.
ListedReserve provides:
- Experience: Our team has over 20 years of technology industry experience. Our team have been investing in digital assets since 2013.
- Security: Easier than buying, storing and managing your own assets, we use top-tier, independent custodians to secure investor assets.
- Transparency: Australian-domiciled fund manager with regular reporting, investment and redemption processes.
To learn more, please visit